Fimian releases first television ad in 11th district race

Keith Fimian, GOP candidate in the 11th congressional district released his first television ad today. In doing so, he made the following statement:

“I am excited to announce that my campaign is again the first one on the air in this race. First radio and now TV taking on Gerry Connolly and Nancy Pelosi for the ‘mess’ they have created. Their policies are destroying our economy, from the government healthcare takeover to their failed stimulus to their trillions in debt,” Fimian said.

“I am the only candidate in this race who has created even one job—and I have created hundreds of them. I have the know-how to get our economy moving again. These are skills career politicians simply do not possess. We need more than the same tired rhetoric from career politicians to clean up the mess Connolly and Pelosi have created in Washington.”

“My campaign is the leader in the fight against liberal Gerry Connolly,” Fimian added. “I out-raised my primary opponent in his first quarter in the race and I am the first one on the airwaves. I am the only candidate with the message and resources to defeat Gerry Connolly.”

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