Herrity claims lead in money race over Fimian

Two hours after Keith Fimian claimed a lead in the fundraising battle, Pat Herrity responded by accusing Fimian of a little fuzzy math.

With my first quarter fundraising numbers out, the records show:
• I raised $278,045 in 9 short weeks – that is more than my primary opponent raised during the 10 weeks I was in the race and about the same as he raised in the whole quarter.
• More than 860 people have contributed to my campaign, which is much higher than my primary opponent and shows my significant grassroots support.
• Over 98% of my contributors live in Northern Virginia – this is significantly greater than my opponent. The voters in the 11th district are financially supporting my campaign.
• My average contribution is significantly lower than my primary opponents and again shows the depth of the grassroots support I have in Northern Virginia.
My opponent is reporting a cash on hand advantage as he has been in the race for over a year. Fortunately much of it is a personal loan to the campaign that he has not yet committed to contribute and use in this campaign. It also includes a significant amount of money that cannot be used in the primary.

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