VPOD 95: Gary Byler and Ben Loyola

Ben Loyola of Virginia Beach is seeking the Republican nomination for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District to challenge incumbent Rep. Glenn Nye (D). Loyloa a retired Navy Captain and current business owner, talks about his campaign and ideas for the district and nation.

Also in this podcast is an excerpt of an exchange between Loyola and one of his opponents, Ed Maulbeck, at a recent Republican Party of Virginia Beach event. Maulbeck also discusses his personal view on taxes.

Additionally, we caught up with Gary Byler, the Second District GOP Committee’s Chairman. Byler discusses Chuck Smith, a former 2nd District candidate, who has decided to now challenge incumbent Rep. Bobby Scott (D) in the 3rd District, Kenny Golden, a former Repulbican City Committee Chairman, who has left the Republican party to run in the 2nd for Congress as an independent, petitions, and the state of the 2nd District.

Show notes: Coming Soon


Drop me an email at [email protected] with your thoughts and comments on the show.

The music at the end of the podcast is the Bouree in E Minor by JS Bach and played by David Thornton. Found at Music Alley.

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