Cows Endorse Connolly

Knowing Rep. Gerry Connolly is in the fight for his Congressional seat in the 11th District, a coalition of famous cows joined together at Sunny Side Up Farm to endorse the incumbent Congressman in his re-election bid. This endorsement comes on the heels of several press releases revolving around Connolly’s record of trading earmarks for campaign contributions.

Cows have been slowly becoming politically aware of their individual rights and have been watching Congress for legislators who support bovine rights. Congressman Connolly is the first such endorsement in Virginia because of his full-throated support for pork.

Daisy the Cow, spokesCow for Cows for Connolly PAC said, “Moooo. Geeerrrry Coooonnoooly’s support for pork is a wonderful idea. We support all career poiticians who favor pork over everything else. We like Geeeeerry Coooonnnolly’s platfrom. Pork for Breakfast. Pork for Lunch. Pork for Dinner. Pork for all contributors. Also Cooooonnolly’s supports a ban on fundraisers at Steakhouses. Moooo for Connolly.”

While Virginia might be known for its Smithfield Hams, the northern Virginia Congressman is known for his $3,000,000,000+ in pork for his district. More pork than all other Virginia congressmen combined!

Many cows have begun maxing out their contributions to Rep. Connolly. They’re hoping he will continue his tradition of paying back supporters by submitting additional pork for their industries.

Click here for more information on Connolly’s pork.

*No cows were hurt in the making of this press release. However; taxpayer’s wallets have gone missing.

Connolly has not commented on his most recent endorsement. Cows for Connolly stickers are available at Sunny Side Farm.

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