Nye, Perriello and Connolly shirk DC duties for JJ Dinner

I guess it goes into the “you’ve got to be kidding me” category.

So many phone calls have come into DC that the Congressional switchboard had to shut down for a time.

Today, over 30,000 people showed up on the Capitol steps to voice their displeasure over nationalizing 16% of the economy.

This very evening, the House is in session debating the health care bill.

Many reports indicate that Virginia U.S. Congressmen Glenn Nye, Tom Perriello, and Gerry Connolly remain on the fence regarding their potential vote on this bill.

So, did they stay in DC to listen to constituents? Read an email or two? Participate in the debate?

Hell, no!

Instead of staying and working on what has been called the “most important bill” of our generation, on the eve of the vote, these three Democrats traveled to Richmond for the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner – a Democratic Party of Virginia fundraiser.

“It was extremely disappointing to learn that Congressmen Glenn Nye, Tom Perriello and Gerry Connolly were in Richmond, speaking at the annual Democrat Party fundraiser tonight, rather than working on Capitol Hill,” said Pat Mullins, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia. “Now we have an explanation now as to why these three members are turning a deaf ear to their constituents. Apparently, if you want Glenn Nye, Tom Perriello or Gerry Connolly to listen, you need to bring a checkbook.”

So much for priorities.

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