Birther distraction from healthcare

Call it a weapon of mass distraction.

Do you think it’s any coincidence that, from the Washington Post to practically every Democratic blogger, the focus is on what Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli thinks about when Obama was in diapers?

Do you think it’s any coincidence that it happens on the week that the Democrats are planning to ram through a vote on Obama’s takeover of healthcare.

Even Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine (he was Governor here once, I’m told, though I don’t remember much of anything he did. Our BD staff is verifying that he actually was Governor, so I’ll post an update later) gets into the game attacking Cuccinelli.

Do you think they really care?

Of course not. They want the real wingnut liberals (translation: bloggers) to forget that the big Obama healthcare plan ditched their “public option.” They want most other folks talking about anything else but the vote on this healthcare proposal, which is about as popular as the Damian child at a church picnic.

They need a “macaca” to talk about. They certainly don’t want to talk about health care.

But the American people do.

Look at what The Hill reported about the Congressional Switchboard yesterday.

“Our phone system is nearing capacity,” said Jeff Ventura, spokesman for the CAO. “It got critical enough whereby we notified all systems’ administrators throughout the House that the phone systems are overloading.”

But shifty Virginia Democrats and their unreported in-kind contributors on the Washington Post busy themselves with trying to distract everyone.

Aren’t the Democrats the ones who whine about negative politics and screech about wanting to focus on the issues?

It would be nice if they ever actually did it, but that is their usual cackle.

I’m not taking the bait. Under Governor McDonnell’s leadership, the General Assembly passed a very tough budget that was left in dire straits by someone —can’t remember his name — and the press doesn’t want to talk about the fantastic job they did. Sunday’s budget vote is ancient history to the press now, but if it was Mark Warner’s budget, there’d be full color profiles and 8-page foldout kudosheets on the man.

But the press wants McDonnell to talk about Cuccinelli.

The press is becoming a pathetic shell of a once-proud institution so crucial to freedom that its protections were emblazoned in our first Constitutional Amendment.

It’s quickly becoming little more than an inexpensive birdcage liner.

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