McDougle rounds out GOP Senate leadership

State Sen. Ryan McDougle (R-Hanover) was unanimously selected by his peers to serve as the Republican Caucus Pro Tempore today, completing the caucus’ leadership team.

“I humbly accept the responsibility that has been placed on me today,” McDougle said in accepting the position. “I have watched the Republican Caucus evolve over the past two years under the current leadership team. In that time, we have articulated a positive vision for Virginia, become more cohesive as a group, and begun unprecedented efforts to prepare to be competitive in future elections. The Caucus is moving in the right direction and I am honored to be asked to serve as part of the leadership team that will continue to move the Caucus forward as a team.”

McDougle joins the Caucus’ leadership of State Sen. Tommy Norment (James City) – Republican Leader, Senator Stephen D. Newman (R – Lynchburg) – Caucus Chair, Senators Mark D. Obenshain (R – Harrisonburg) and Frank W. Wagner (R – Virginia Beach) – Whips, and Senator Walter A. Stosch (R – Henrico) – Leader Emeritus.

The Pro Tempore presides over the Caucus in the absence of the leader and works on projects as assigned by the leader. The position was vacated by former Senator Kenneth W. Stolle after he resigned to become Virginia Beach’s sheriff.

McDougle was first elected to the Senate in a special election in January 2006 to fill the unexpired term left by the election of former Senator Bill Bolling as Lieutenant Governor.

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