Fee = Tax: AFP sends message to the General Assembly

Subj: AFP Response to rumors of fee increases.

Dear Legislator:

Thank you for the tough tasks you are undertaking on behalf of the commonwealth this year.

While we appreciate the political expediency of raising revenues to finance continued overspending, we hope the governor and the General Assembly will follow the clear message sent by voters that our state needs a return to true fiscal conservatism and make the more difficult decision to cut unnecessary spending. That means living within our means, not treating taxpayers as a ATM machine to keep profligate state spending going.

Virginia taxpayers can’t afford to pay any more of their heard-earned money to government, in the form of taxes or fees. To taxpayers, whether you call it a fee or a tax, it means money paid to government that can’t be spent on our own lives, businesses, and families. Our more than 24,000 Virginia members will continue to be grateful for the courage you show in opposing any plans that increase taxes and fees in these tough economic times.

Americans for Prosperity will soon be presenting clear recommendations that can balance the budget with no new taxes or fees. We urge the General Assembly to follow that approach.

Benjamin Marchi
State Director
Americans for Prosperity

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