Bob McDonnell Congratulates Jeff McWaters and Dave Marsden for their Election Victories

Governor-elect Bob McDonnell released a statement congratulating Jeff McWaters and Dave Marsden for their election to the State Senate.

“I want to congratulate Delegate Dave Marsden on his victory tonight. I look forward to continuing to work with him in the years ahead in his new capacity. In these tough economic times, Virginians need leaders in Richmond who will work together to create new jobs and more opportunities. While we may not agree on every issue, I know that Dave and I share a commitment to making this a better Virginia for all our citizens.

I also want to thank, and congratulate, Steve Hunt for the positive, idea-driven campaign he ran. Steve is a longtime advocate for the citizens of Fairfax County and I know he will continue to play an important role in the public life of Northern Virginia for years to come.”

McDonnell’s statement congratulating McWaters:

“I want to congratulate Jeff McWaters on tonight’s victory. Jeff campaigned on the same conservative principles and ideas that I did during my campaign for Governor: of keeping taxes low, creating jobs in this tough economy, improving transportation in an area with huge road problems, and providing a quality education for all Virginians in all communities. Jeff’s positive message resonated with the voters of the 8th District.”

“Jeff will be getting a running start, as he will be sworn in tomorrow, the first day of the General Assembly session. Jeff has big shoes to fill, picking up where Ken Stolle left off. But I know Jeff is the right person for this post. He has a strong business background and knows how to create jobs, qualities needed in Richmond. He will be a strong leader in the State Senate and I look forward to working with him to create new jobs and more opportunities for all Virginians.”

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