Another congressman endorses in the 2nd: Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart for Loyola

Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Florida) has endorsed Ben Loyola in his bid to win the GOP nomination in the 2nd District. Balart cited Loyola’s strong support of small businesses, belief in the strengths of free enterprise, and his admirable life story and background.

“I am proud to support Ben Loyola for Congress. Ben knows the importance of freedom and democracy. His family fled totalitarianism in Cuba for a life of freedom in America. And Ben has served our Nation with distinction in the Armed Forces,” said Diaz-Balart. ”

Loyola was certainly happy to receive the endorsement.

“It’s humbling to have the early support of a Republican House member, since they know what it takes to win and to serve effectively” announced Loyola. “We share a great deal about what it means to be American and how far we’ve gone off that track in recent months. The voice of free enterprise can‘t be muddled with mixed messages. Our red, white and blue message needs to be bold and clear.”

Loyola is the second 2nd District candidate to receive the endorsement of a sitting congressman today. Earlier Scott Taylor announced he was receiving support from Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana).

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