Bolling infuriated at quid-pro-quo U.S. Senate deal

Former State Senator and current Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, who presides over the state senate, ought to know a thing or two how the U.S. Senate is supposed to work – after all, it was modeled after Virginia’s.

And after all the backroom deals have been said and done regarding this so-called Health Care reform bill, the LG’s blood pressure is about critical.

He shot off an angry letter to Webb and Warner today demanding “no” votes on this bill, if for only the antics that got it to the floor for a vote:

“I am outraged by reports that surfaced this weekend regarding concessions that were made to Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson to secure his vote in support of this legislation,” stated Bolling. “If these reports are accurate, this type of quid pro quo is unacceptable, and you and your colleagues should object strongly to the practice, which I have no doubt the American people will find offensive as well.”

“If the Senate’s leadership is so desperate to obtain votes to secure the passage of this legislation that they would make these types of concessions to these Senators, I would ask that you demand that the same concessions be extended to Virginia, and for that matter, to every other state in the nation,” continued Bolling.

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