Where’s the Hope and Change?

In 2008, one can vividly remember how most voters in the 18-30 age group supported Presidential candidate, Barack Obama’s election.  Many believed that Obama’s plans offered the best solution for the nation’s economic woes, while there were some who believed that there needed to be change at the federal level.

Fast forward to December 2009.  Are those voters in 2008 are feeling the same way today, especially considering that the economy is tanking, unemployment numbers are increasing to the highest that they have been since the 1980s, and individual liberties are being encroached upon on a daily basis by an administration, who believes that big government is the best solution to every one of America’s woes?

Well, Americans are beginning to wake up from their dreamy Obama fantasies and are starting to regret their vote for false hope and change.  According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, seventy-one percent (71%) of Americans are highly disappointed with Obama and Congress’s policy proposals and something to further reinforce that number is the fact that forty-eight percent (48%) are irate over these proposals.

Even more shocking is this statistic from the same poll:

“Seventy-one percent (71%) believe the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Sixty-eight percent (68%) believe that government and big business work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors.”

This is just another point of the dissatisfaction from those who voted to elect Obama and the Democrats.  Those numbers alone spell trouble, if Obama and Congress do not straighten up their actions to become fiscally responsible and accountable.  These voters are also realizing that the promises of hope and change for America under Obama were nothing but mere lies.

Perhaps, we should take a look at another perspective with this same voting block of young voters.  Unemployment is at its highest levels since the 1980s and with the economy tanking, Obama felt the best solution was to pass a Stimulus bill that has failed miserably and has spent more money that our country does not have.  It has not created the jobs that it has promised either.  This should open the eyes of recent college graduates who voted for Obama in 2008 and are facing extreme competition getting entry-level jobs. 

Michael Barone of The Washington Examiner has looked at this as well and eloquently made the point that the private sector without government intervention can create jobs.  The Obama Administration is simply interfering with the private sector, so job creation is again stifled.  Barone also mentioned that Obama’s health care proposal is also increasing the debt that many in Generations X and Y will be paying for the long haul.  It creates difficulties if one does not have stable employment to pay for these proposals.

Right now, there is no doubt that there is voters’ remorse with Obama, and the only way to reverse this damage is by looking at other alternatives in the mid-term elections in 2010 and the Presidential election in 2012.  The false realities of hope and change are not faring well for the young Obama voters of 2008.

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