Should abortions be covered in Obamacare

Obama’s health care takeover was almost derailed in the House of Representatives by a group of pro-life Democrats who supported the Stupak amendment, which made abortions clearly not a covered service in the plan. They gave the margin of victory.

The Senate doesn’t seem so thrilled with the language of that amendment, and several writers opine that without House/Senate agreement on this key issue, the whole bill goes down in flames.

Comments on other posts are also debating whether abortions should be covered under some health care plans that are awash with taxpayer dollars, and whether people who profit from providing them are the best fit for …..oh….say a State Senate Seat.

Took me about 10 minutes with Google to find this.


This company calls it “termination of pregnancy” – cute, huh? It’s on page 5.

This one actually calls it “abortion” so kudos for being straightforward about it. PROVIDER MANUAL.pdf

The Stupak amendment was addressing similar things in that even if no federal taxpayer dollars were involved, if you were in the government plan, even at your own expense, abortions can not be covered.

It’s a hazy area and one up for debate. It gets complicated when private companies take taxpayer dollars to provide services that may or may not be services taxpayers want.

And it might just be the issue that ends Obama’s health care takeover.

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