Could Big Labor Spoil Creigh Deeds’ chances?

Right now, there is no question that labor unions have been active in the Virginia statewide races this year. Creigh Deeds has received numerous contributions from the AFSCME, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and other labor unions. With these contributions, one has to wonder if big labor has the capacity to spoil Creigh Deeds’ chances to become Governor.

Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal had a great op-ed piece on Friday that examines how the labor unions’ impact on the Virginia elections. Strassel points out that voters do not hold favorable opinions of the unions, especially with the recent ACORN scandal, the bailouts of the auto industry in Detroit, and the special health care provisions that are included in the legislation drafted by Congress. The article also mentioned both the Gallup and U.S. Chamber of Commerce polls, which indicate the public dissent on unions.

“In September, Gallup reported that labor had taken a “significant image hit in the past year.” For the first time in 73 years of polling on the question, only a minority of Americans approved of unions (48%)—down from nearly 60% a year ago. A majority of Americans are instead now of the opinion that unions “hurt the U.S. economy.” Approval among political independents dropped a stunning 20 points, to 44%, in just one year.

A U.S. Chamber of Commerce poll in August suggests Virginians are similarly down on unions. Some 49% of registered Virginia voters said issues relating to unions and union organizing would be very important or extremely important to their decision for governor—though not in ways unions might wish. A full 65% said Virginia needs to keep employee unions out of state government; 54% want to keep Virginia’s bar on collective bargaining for government employees. Asked specifically about Mr. Deeds’s promise to be a “partner” to unions, 51% had a negative reaction; only 26% felt positive.”

Could Virginians also be concerned about what might happen if our Right to Work law was removed? States without a right to work law have significantly higher unemployment rates, due to businesses relocating to states with right to work legislation in place. For example, Michigan is a state without a right to work law, and unemployment is at 15.3% statewide. The unions (the UAW) have devastated the state’s economy and have driven business out of the state.

Perhaps, this is on the minds of many Virginians, since unemployment continues to rise (especially in Southside Virginia, where unemployment is at 22%). They want a Governor, who will keep the right to work legislation in place and bring more jobs to the Commonwealth. Virginians do not need a Governor, who will partner with the labor unions to get their goals accomplished.

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