McDonnell to receive the Washington Post’s endorsement?

No…stop laughing. Really. A respected journalist on the WaPo staff tells us so.

Robert McCartney, Metro Reporter for the Washington Post, in a live chat today seemed to think there was some doubt.

In his commentary regarding the campaign, he has some straight-forward words of advice for Deeds: Get the Washington Post’s endorsement and get it now!

“Two big things that could help Deeds now: 1) Getting The Post’s editorial page endorsement, which he really needs, especially in No. Va.; and 2) Getting Obama to come campaign for him in a big way, which would help especially with African American and young voters. Let me be clear: I have NOTHING TO DO with The Post’s editorial page endorsement, and NO INSIDE INFORMATION on it. But it’s common knowledge that Deeds really needs it — and the earlier the better for him, and the more ringing the better for him.”

Er, Rob…have you been reading your paper since late August? Seriously, you say this like it should be a surprise and that McDonnell has a shot.

Uh, don’t think so.

It’s investigative journalism and insightful analysis like this, folks, that makes the Washington Post one of the nation’s most respected sources for news and information. (Written in the same tone as Harry Doyle speaking about his color analyst in the movie “Major League”.)

Of course, a NoVA paper did endorse McDonnell today…the Sun Gazette of Arlington and of McLean, Vienna, Oakton and Great Falls.

“McDonnell has the solid backing of the business community, which fears Deeds could become a tool of unions and environmentalist fringe groups, wrecking the bipartisan effort that has maintained the Old Dominion as one of the most business-friendly states of the 50. McDonnell has a plan for transportation upgrades; Deeds urges us merely to trust him to come up with a solution.”

The paper also notes that Creigh Deeds has “…run one of the most vile campaigns in recent Virginia history…”

(h/t: Campaign Spot)

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