Climate Change – Global Warming – It’ll rain tomorrow

Hello. Mr. Hurricane. Where are you? They promised you’d be visiting with a vengeance. We had to pass Cap and Tax, or Mother Nature would get mad at us and turn the planet into a Roland Emmerich movie.

“We over-predicted what has occurred” – National Weather Service meteorologist Chris Wamsley

The best scientists, the best equipment money can buy, and these guys can’t forecast how many hurricanes will form 6 months ahead of time.

But they can tell us what the weather will be 50 years from now?

Why aren’t they calling it “global warming” anymore? Notice that? It’s now called “climate change.” Why not “global warming?”

Because the globe isn’t warming. It hasn’t been warming since 2001.

But these scientists say “Hold on. Those facts don’t mean anything. We’re really in horrible, grave danger – so keep funding us.”

They’re becoming as useful as the TV weatherman calling for a 50% chance of rain. I mean, couldn’t he at least flip a coin and break the tie?

So instead of 14 tropical storms, we had 8 and we hardly noticed.

And scientists insist that even though the earth isn’t warming anymore, just wait. It will be hotter than a Louisiana August before ya know it. The coasts will flood and the Statue of Liberty will start swimming.

Because they’re never wrong.

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