Have Democrats lost their minds?

When Sen. Mark Warner cuts an ad endorsing Creigh Deeds, saying he’ll keep taxes low, while Creigh Deeds tells “young lady” reporters how taxes will be raised, I gotta ask the obvious question.

And, no, that isn’t “Did Creigh Deeds write a thesis about young lady reporters?”

Quite simply, have Democrats lost their minds?

Will Mark Warner read just any copy handed to him for a TV spot regardless of what it says? Would he have looked into the camera and said “I’m supporting Creigh Deeds because he’ll make sure we invest in trips to the planet Feldercarb in the NuNu galaxy, which will create jobs and grow the economy.”

That has as much truth as saying Deeds won’t raise taxes. Or Democrats saying Obama’s health care won’t cover illegal aliens, while they defeat every amendment that actually would enforce that.

Joy Behar, the only nut on The View who made Rosie O’Donnell sound like a moderate, was asked this week about Glenn Beck on the cover of Time, and her response was “He was an alcoholic and a drug addict at one time and so, it sort of follows that he’d be crazy now.”

Is that all we get from the left? Aren’t Democrats the ones who complain about mean-spirited personal attacks?

Oh, except when they call anyone who disagrees with President Obama’s policies a racist. That’s not a mean-spirited personal attack, right Creigh? How did that “hint of racism” line work in your debate? Just come up with that off the top of your head? Certainly no consultant prepped you with that winner, right?

Guess the Democratic United States Senate is racist, because they just voted down public option health care, which has become as wildly popular as public option transportation.

There’s a slogan! Obama’s health care – as good as taking the bus!

Besides, isn’t a public health care system offered by someone named Rockefeller the American equivalent of “Let them eat cake?” Bet Millionaire Jay, one of the richest Senators in the history of the nation, isn’t lining up for his share of rationed public option health care.

Locally, I’ve never seen Democrats attack Doug Wilder as much as they did this week choosing not to endorse Creigh Deeds. To me, the attacks on Wilder seemed to have a “hint of racism.”

But I digress.

I have to wonder if Americans aren’t watching all this and wondering where their country went.

Schoolchildren are taught to sing praises about Barack Obama to the tune of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” – a song the same children would probably be expelled for singing if they sang the actual “God is marching on” lyrics.

But Obama gets to make his opening school day speech to kids telling them to work hard, study and write a book report on “Heather Has Two Mommies.” Ok, not really…but at least he wasn’t reading “It Takes a Village to Pay for My Health Care Plan.”

And when a Richmond strip club hoists a Jokerized poster of Obama, the only thing offensive that Democrats see is the poster. Who are the sexists again?

If anyone has been unfairly attacked, it’s been the normal everyday Americans who wonder if the things that made America unique for over 200 years are slowly being taken. And they don’t like it.

Most people don’t want God replaced by Government.

Most people respect the President, but don’t like the Maoification of one.

Most people want problems with health insurance solved, but don’t think handing the entire system to government makes it better, cheaper and more efficient. When has government ever succeeded at that?

Most people don’t expect politicians to move mountains and part seas. They just expect the schools to be good, neighborhoods to be safe, the economy to be stable and for government to take as few dollars out of the family budget as possible.

And the Democrats are down, and down badly in Virginia and New Jersey. What will their campaigns talk about in the closing weeks?

Will we get substantive discussions of solutions? Or will we get more nonsense rants of racism, sexism, and TV ads about a thesis?

We all know the answer to that.

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