Deeds campaign wants to talk thesis after the recent poll numbers? Yikes.

Survey USA has McDonnell up +14.

Rasmussen has McDonnell back to +9.

About the poll, Rasmussen wrote:

Through the first half of September, McDonnell was on the defensive following news stories about a college thesis paper he wrote in 1989. The thesis reflected very conservative views on the role of women in society and other topics. However, the impact of that issue may have peaked.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters now say the writings are at least somewhat important in terms of how they will vote. That’s little changed from two weeks ago.

And over the course of two weeks, McDonnell has once again rebounded in the polls. Mainly because he’s talking issues and Deeds is talking nonsense.

So what’s the Deeds campaign latest tactic?

Well, when they’re not cutting ads that make a liar out of Mark Warner, they have decided to focus on, drum roll, the THESIS!

That’s right. They’ve created:

A blog. A twitter feed. And a video.

Three more pieces of social media than what we have from Camp Deeds on transportation, the economy, energy, education, the environment, etc.

Well, at least we know they have focus.

Hey, more power to ’em. Can anyone say “Death Penalty circa 2005?”

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