Matthew James (80th) Campaign: VISA isn’t a loan!!

Press Release
CONTACT: John Vinson, (727) 452-9127
Candidate for Delegate files incorrect finance report again.
Opponent asks for explanation.

PORTSMOUTH, VA – Matthew James, candidate for Delegate in the 80th district, has had repeated troubles in filing correct information on his campaign finances and expenditures, and the State Board of Elections may make him correct them once more.
Mr. James has already filed 5 amended reports, and his opponent, Jennifer Lee, wants to know why he can’t get his numbers straight.
“If he can’t file accurate information on the few thousand dollars in his campaign account, how can he effectively manage billions of tax dollars in Richmond?” asked Lee.
James’ troubles started when he amended thousands of dollars in expenditures into over 40 “loans” from VISA. That changed his report from a -$15,322 deficit to a $14,235 surplus. However, he listed his “unpaid debts” as “0”, even though he had nearly $18,000 in unpaid debts.
The Lee campaign spoke to the State Board of Elections today and confirmed that credit card expenditures should not be filed as loans, and Mr. James will have to correct his reports again.
“Meanwhile, the press and the citizens have not gotten the whole truth and deserve honest answers,” added Lee. “We need officials in Richmond who will manage taxpayer dollars with honesty and integrity.”

This explains the confusion from James original VPAP numbers to his new VPAP numbers just released yesterday. However, the idea that charging your campaign finances do not qualify as loans shows the shaky judgment James continues to demonstrate to the constituents in the 80th District.

Other points regarding James:

– of the $404 in expenditures last cycle, over 50% of that was finance charges on his VISA

– the only campaign items purchased were business cards and mailing labels

– spent $73 on a ‘campaign mtg meal’ at the Renaissance (nearly 20% of his expenditures total!)

Stay tuned to this story, Brian Kirwin may have more coming soon!

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