Deeds campaign finance reporting begs us to do the math

Creigh Deeds made a big announcement today. He is very proud of the fact that he raised nearly $3.5 million in July and August.

The Deeds campaign gathered strong grassroots momentum in July and August with 2,284 new donors. More than 90 percent of the donors came from in-state, and 68 percent of them gave less than $200.

In total, the campaign raised $3.48 million from July 1 through August 31, marking the most successful campaign finance period to date.

But this is just begging for some further scrutiny.

First, let’s assume that the 68% that gave $200 or less gave the full $200. That amounts to 1553 donors x $200, which equates to $310,600.

So Deeds telling us that 32% of his donors gave $3.2 million?

Well, it certainly looks that way.

So, then he touts some business donors:

Ted Leonsis ($37,500), Northern Virginia real estate executive Robert H. Smith ($25,000), computer consultant Edward H. Rice ($25,000), former CarMax CEO Austin Ligon ($15,000) and Trader Publishing President Conrad Hall ($15,000).

That only totals $107,500.

So, that still leaves $3.1 million unaccounted for.

Hmmmm. It will be very interesting to see how much came from unions and outside Democratic organizations. I’m betting its the bulk of it.

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