Why Joe Wilson is Not a Hero

In the immediate aftermath of Obama’s speech last night, one thing was clear: a Republican Congressman from South Carolina had interrupted and shouted ‘You lie!’ as President Obama spoke. No doubt you all have seen clips of this act again and again on youtube, facebook, etc.

Rep. Joe Wilson is not a hero. He should not be held up as an example for the GOP or idolized for his lack of civility. The simple fact is, he embarrassed the Republican Party last night. He gave every one of us a bad name. It doesn’t matter if he was right or wrong, if his facts were correct or Obama was telling the truth. It was inappropriate and Wilson rightfully apologized.

However, today dozens of my friends on facebook have posted messages exalting Joe Wilson, proclaiming him an ‘American Hero’ and ‘my new favorite Congressman.’ While some may see this as an individual standing against socialism and rightfully calling Obama out, the fact of the matter remains he is the President, addressing Congress in the House Chamber. Many of us today have touted the Democrats boo-ing President Bush during the State of the Union in 2005. Some have also referred to Harry Reid calling President Bush a liar. I would argue, apples to oranges. The 2005 SOTU Address, while rude, was not outlandish or over the top. Harry Reid, while a blowhard, was not sitting in the House Chamber in a joint-session of Congress, interrupting and yelling at the President. And either way, how does this excuse Wilson’s behavior?

We should all be able to agree that in a Congressional joint-session, on a nationally televised address, to shout at the President of the United States, ‘You lie!’ is rude, boorish and completely out of line. Time and place. Sitting in the House Chamber, in formal session on national television is not the time to interrupt and shout at the President, regardless of the truth in the statement and irregardless of our feelings about Obama. Congressman Wilson acknowledged that and rightfully apologized. So why then are we idolizing Wilson and his behavior?

In confusing the House Chamber with a town hall meeting, Rep. Wilson has cast a shadow over the Republican Party, given the left a rallying point for health care, alienated independents who were beginning to look to the right for health care alternatives and as a whole made the Republican Party look disrespectful and downright bad. To proclaim him a ‘hero’ and ‘my new favorite Congressman’ for his actions last night simply strengthen the left’s arguments. Our momentum that has been building throughout the Congressional recess was stunted last night by the foolish actions of a passionate Representative. He’s apologized to the White House for his actions, as he rightfully should. The longer we honor his moronic outburst, the steeper our climb against health care. Joe Wilson is no hero and his foolishness last night may have saved health care reform.


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