Creigh Deeds: Zealot

In recent days Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds has made Bob McDonnell’s pro-life record a main topic of his campaign. By taking this action Creigh Deeds has revealed an obvious weakness in his own candidacy. Creigh Deeds is allowing his pro-abortion zealotry to show through.

While Bob McDonnell is rightly keeping his focus on presenting solutions on a broad range of issues, Creigh Deeds is lobbing political bombs to motivate his base and to divide the Republicans.

As a Virginian blogger I will take the initiative to ask Creigh Deeds some questions regarding his extreme pro-abortion positions. He has spent much of his career fighting any advancement of rights to the unborn child. He has sought to portray McDonnell as an extremist even though many of Bob McDonnell’s pro-life proposals have attracted bi-partisan support.

First, the issue of partial-birth abortion. The Deeds campaign has attacked McDonnell for all of his pro-life record. McDonnell supported a ban on partial-birth abortion in Virginia. Does Creigh Deeds support partial-birth abortion?

Second, the issue of parental consent. Bob McDonnell put forth a parental consent bill. Does Creigh Deeds oppose parental consent? It was one of the 35 bills that the Deeds campaign has criticized.

What about the pro-abortion organizations that have endorsed Creigh Deeds? Planned Parenthood was founded by radical eugenics proponent Margaret Sanger. Does Creigh Deeds endorse her views? Will Deeds defend Planned Parenthood’s record of building clinics near high schools? Does Deeds defend Planned Parenthood’s record of covering up statutory rape? What about the women who have filed medical malpractice suits against Planned Parenthood? Does Creigh Deeds stand with these women?

You see, while Bob McDonnell has been putting forward a constructive, solutions based platform for Virginia. Deeds has been stepping into a hornet’s nest. Deed’s inherent” me too-ism” is surpassed only by his pro-abortion zealotry.

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