If Wagner won’t answer the left, what’s the hope for BD?

OK. We made-up a funny (or perhaps not so funny) song about Jody Wagner and her budget revenue projections as Secretary of Finance.

It’s called parody. And politicians are supposed to have a thick skin.

They need to get over it and be the professionals they are.

So, I sent a query into the Wagner campaign today based on a press release they issued (they have me on their press release distro and the release said contact them – so I did).

The part I had a question with said:

Bill Bolling and the Republicans rejected $125 million from the federal government that would have gone to helping displaced workers in the Commonwealth find new jobs and receive training.

Fair enough. So, what’s her plan?

My query, at 12:30 p.m. this afternoon read:

Does Ms. Wagner support changing Virginia law to accommodate receiving the $125 million in federal stimulus money so that part-time workers seeking part-time work can receive the benefit? If so, given current revenue shortfalls, what specific proposal for legislators does she have in order to secure additional revenues to pay for this program? Would she use money from the general fund?

I sent the email to both the press email and her campaign manager, Elisabeth Pearson.

It’s not a particularly difficult query. In fact, I’ll help her:

“Ms. Wagner feels that is is paramount that all workers seeking employment should qualify for unemployment benefits if they do not have a job. In order to ensure a prosperous economy, sometimes it is necessary for government to intervene and help citizens in their time of need. Regarding additional revenues, it is clear that in this economy it is not appropriate to raise taxes on those making less than $5, therefore, we will ensure that all those making less $5 are excluded from paying any tax. However, one must keep all options on the table. We also would never take any money from the general fund, as that is only for the children and their education.”

See? Was that so hard?

Or, she could also say, “J.R., go jump in a lake.”

Either way, the issue would be said and done with.

Instead, I get silence.

But should I be surprised?

I recently looked over at “Left of the Hill” and Bryan had his own suggestions for the Democratic candidate:

I, for one, would like to hear what the Commonwealth’s former treasurer and Secretary of Finance would do to help Virginia. Or what our current Lt. Governor would like to do during his second term. So far we haven’t really heard either option, which does a great disservice to the residents of Virginia.

He also noted:

“[T]here seems to be some questions about why Wagner is suddenly changing her mind on the prospect of having a series of debates. Perhaps the most obvious answer is that she was the frontrunner in the Democratic primary and frontrunners often times don’t want to give their opponents any more attention than they need. Now that Wagner is going up against an incumbent, however, she wants to do whatever it takes to get some attention and increase her name recognition….

“[P]eople deserve to hear directly from the candidates about where they stand on the issues. So lets hope that this political strategy actually turns into a productive discussion that benefits all Virginians and not just Jody Wagner’s campaign. “

And said:

“Now that Wagner and her campaign manager Elisabeth Pearson have asked Bill Bolling ‘to clarify remarks made yesterday regarding his willingness to welcome Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to Virginia,’ I think it’s time we draw attention to Jody’s hypocrisy. After all, if we’re going to criticize Palin for bailing on her commitment to Alaskans we need to do the same thing when Wagner did it to Virginians. Resigning just because things are getting tough and you want to move on to higher office is unacceptable no matter what party you belong to.

“Jody Wagner and her campaign need to move on and focus on what’s in the best interests of Virginia.”

Finally, today, he writes:

“Jody Wagner’s campaign sent out a statement calling for her opponent (Bill Bolling) to separate himself from Mullins’ remarks. This would have been a good move if Jody didn’t have a horrible record in regards to the working class or if she wasn’t constantly sending out press releases that attack Bill Bolling but don’t give any glimpse into what she’d do if elected….

Jody Wagner needs to offer up what she stands for and stop acting as though she has a perfect record.”

Geez…I only asked about one issue; Bryan has a whole lot more on his mind…and he’d like her to win!

If she won’t heed his advice and offer up solutions, do you think she’ll even remotely address my question?

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