Baliles and Allen to head transportation panel?

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) is asking Gov. Tim Kaine to appoint former Governors George Allen and Gerald Baliles as co-chairs of a “blue ribbon transportation panel”…a suggestion he first made in Dec. 2008, but which has been apparently been ignored. He also reiterated to the governor that closing 19 rest stops across the state, might not be such a good idea:

“I urge you to take action to start the process for the state to come to grips with its transportation needs so that the state does not have to resort to a band-aid approach to save $9 million that risks the safety of its residents and all those who drive Virginia’s highways,” Wolf said.

Wolf makes some great points – should Allen and Baliles agree to participate, it would send a strong bi-partisan message that Virginia is serious about coming to grips with our transportation needs and solutions. Additionally, closing rest-stops is not a solution, especially when the roads are full of travelers who are visiting the state for the first time. Not only is it a safety concern, but the rest-stop can be a place to inform the traveler about Virginia and other travel issues.

Unfortunately, the governor did not receive Wolf’s letters, sent back in December and last week, as he has not set-up his forwarding address yet.

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