Happy Independence Day!

We celebrate today our nation as a nation of laws. Our ability to have equal treatment under that law. Our ability to achieve our dreams unencumbered by discrimination by an overbearing government or by a despotic democracy.

“Nature, which has established in the universe a chain of being and universal order, descending from archangels to microscopic animalcules, has ordained that no two objects shall be perfectly alike, and no two creatures perfectly equal. Although, among men, all are subject by nature to equal laws of morality, and in society have a right to equal laws for their government, yet no two men are perfectly equal in person, property, understanding, activity, and virtue, or ever can be made so by any power less than that which created them; and whenever it becomes disputable between two individuals or families, which is superior, a fermentation commences, which disturbs the order of all things until it is settled, and each knows his place in the opinion of the public.” -John Adams

It is by our diversity and inequality in outcome that makes us great.

While we look upon our brothers and sisters with hope and well-wishes – and we endeavor to help them individually when circumstances require it – it is not the role of government to “level” the playing field. It is the role of government to maximize liberty, check power, and ensure all people have the opportunity to compete and succeed.

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