Democrats Don’t Know If They’re Coming Or Going

Carpetbagging out of state paper tiger Common Sense Virginia is out with a new hit piece on Bob McDonnell trying to once again tar him with associating with the Faith and Family Foundation.  This is an old trick Democrats have been trying to use against McDonnell his entire career.  Recently it came up when trying to derail Pat Mullins’s campaign for chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia with absolutely no success (how were those seats at the Convention, Mainstream Media?).

This time around, Common Sense Virginia wants to take out of state money to try and convince Virginia’s working families that they should be worried about why Bob McDonnell didn’t take the time to answer questions about a recent Virginia Pilot article that ties McDonnell campaign aide Phil Cox to the Faith and Family Alliance.

Problem is, Bob McDonnell did take questions about it.  For the video we turn to the Democratic Party of Virginia:


So which talking point is it, guys? Is Bob McDonnell not taking questions (you know, because he’s trying to get from Roanoke to Northern Virginia to Stafford to Richmond to Hampton Roads to everywhere else all in one day, busy schedule and all) or is he saying there was never any wrong doing while you scoff?

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