Take this Stimulus and Shove It!

Well the time has finally arrived. President Obama is expected to put his signature on what is possibly the sloppiest bill in American history.

This is more than just a sloppy bill, it is a slap in the face to Americans families who have been tightening the belt and working hard to stay off of welfare. This is a slap in the face to middle class families who have been responsible and paid their mortages on time. This bill will have serious implications for the students in America today who now find themselves staring down a multi-trillion dollar deficit, or inflation, or both. These are the very students that Barack Obama rode to victory on last year. Now that he is done with them he is perfectly content to straddle them with a debt that they may not be able to repay. Also, we see that this bill was written in a fashion as to restrict religious liberty on college campuses, totally ignoring the American people’s First Amendment rights.

I have said all of that to say this. This is not the peoples bill. Pelosi and Reid shoved this down our throats with the approval of President Obama.

Today as President Obama has his grand signing, his message to the American people is clear.

Take this stimulus and shove it!

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