A Contrast in Leadership

During this past election, many conservatives including myself, pointed to the fact that Governor Palin had executive experience, while Barack Obama had none.

This most recent stimulus debate has proven us to be correct in our assesment. President Obama could have prevented much of the pork from being entered into this bill had he simply exercised his power as Chief Legislator and submitted his own draft of the bill. Instead he gave general guidelines, and let Pelosi and Reid have at it. This showed a serious lapse in leadership on the part of President Obama.

Compare that to Governor Palin. While her legislative situation is on a smaller scale, she still runs a microcosm of the federal government. She has developed an energy plan that is one of the boldest in the nation, she has also submitted a fifty year economic diversity plan for Alaska. Her administration developed the plan and then submitted those plans to the Alaska legislature. She did not hand all of the decision making over to the legislative process.

So next time you hear someone talking about how brainy and intelligent President Obama is, while suggesting that Sarah Palin is unintelligent, consider this little compare and contrast session, and you be the judge.

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