GOP Youth Outreach

One question coming up in the navel-gazing aftermath of Election Day is what can the Republican Party do to appeal to young voters?  As one person put it, Republicans are at the point that they risk losing an entire generation of voters.

The problem with Republicans is that the perception of young people toward the party is not a good one.

18-24 year olds have no memory of Reagan or the Cold War.  To them Republicans are the party of impeachment for a sexual act with an intern, George W. Bush and the War In Iraq.  None of them have been in the workforce long enough to experience a tax cut.  None of them have been paying attention long enough to remember a balanced budget (or give the credit to a Republican controlled Congress).

Republicans have done nothing positive in the last 16 or so years that is memorable enough that young voters can associate it with them.

What 18-24 year olds do know, though, and agree with, are Conservative values.  As has been pointed out time and time again, when Conservative values are on the ballot they win.  When Conservative candidates are on the ballot they win.

And, not a slight to the Social Conservatives, but I’m talking FISCAL Conservative values here.

Look at the popularity of South Park.  South Park is a Libertarian minded show, they mock both parties and a lot of social norms, but at its root the morals are Libertarian in value: the Government doesn’t get it, leave us alone.  That’s something kids can get behind and they do.

But we have not had a Conservative candidate come forward to excite them in a very long time other than, yes, RON PAUL.  Ron Paul was able to tap into that young excitement and fish for a lot of money and movement, but he wasn’t electable because he also failed to appeal higher up the food chain within the party.  Also he was crazy.

Republicans need to start rediscovering their Conservative roots. Their FISCAL Conservative roots.  Joe The Plumber was a popular ploy not because he hated “The Gays” or because he was pro-life but because he represented a fear of government intrusion into our pocketbooks. But he was a middle aged, middle class appeal that was too little too late.  Start talking Conservative values and putting them in terms young folks understand: education tax credits, tax cuts that put more money in their pockets to do with as they please, a government that is smaller and less intrusive in their lives – push the issues that not only matter to them but transcend age.

And show them that they have a voice and am impact.  Sure they make good foot soldiers, but also let their voices be heard.  Mobilize them not only to get the word out but to get the word in.  Right now the party is viewed as being run by crazy old men who don’t get it.  Young blood needs to be sought out, cultivated, and promoted.  But that only comes by finding the issues that matter and bring even these activists into the fold.

Too often young activists have been dismissed or used as ready volunteers and then abandoned post election.  The Party needs to be more open to them, needs to allow them a seat at the table, and needs to take them under wing to help cultivate a youth movement of its own.

Otherwise, yes, we do risk losing an entire generation of voters.

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