Why Georgia Matters

The recent eruption of hostilities between Russia and the Republic of Georgia is raising a great many questions about America’s foreign policy, our commitments and our allegiances at a very important time for our nation.

Most importantly for the American public are these two questions: “How does the Georgian conflict affect us as a nation?” and “How will it impact the Presidential Election?”

One the first question, the American public should understand that this conflict will indeed impact the United States. In real terms, Georgia is a major conduit for oil to Eastern Europe. In geopolitical terms, they have been one of the leading former Soviet republics in terms of their efforts to instill a stable, democratic form of government. Quite simply, the United States and its NATO allies cannot afford to allow Russia to get away with an unprovoked invasion of Georgia’s sovereignty and hope to retain credibility as a promoter of freedom in the region. If Russia is permitted to execute this blatant land-grab and bring Georgia back into the old Soviet orbit, can Armenia, Azerbaijan and other former republics in the region feel safe? Obviously not.

As to the impact on the Presidential election, it should be equally obvious that the Georgian conflict is a stark reminder of the instability that still exists in the world and the necessity of strong American leadership at such times. While the Georgian conflict may seem to many Americans to have sprung out of nowhere, John McCain has been aware of the problems in that region for a good long time. Once again, McCain’s experience and understanding of the issues and players involved vastly overshadows Obama’s thin resume. Americans should understand that, for the next President, conducting foreign policy and protecting America’s national security interests will be much more complicated than simply “getting the troops out of Iraq.”

This conflict should not be ignored by the American people. If Georgia falls to Soviet aggression, it will have far-reaching impacts upon the global community over the next four years. John McCain has responded forcefully and intelligently, Barack Obama has not. That should tell the American people all they need to know about these candidates’ readiness to be President.

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