Republicans as terrorists?

When I say that Obama’s economic policies appear to be right out of the Communist Manifesto, I have facts and statements to back it up. My statement, while a bit extreme, is meant to get readers (or listeners) to think. I don’t actually believe Obama is a card-carrying member of the Reds, but you cannot deny that his long string of acquaintances and economic policies do mirror many major points advocated by Marxists.

Now, contrast this with the extremism of Cliff Garstang of Cobalt 6.

In a post, Garstang calls Republicans “terrorists.” And then continues the riff in the comments section by claiming the only difference between Republicans and terrorists is that terrorists have “principles.”

On what basis does he make this assertion? What act of terrorism have Republicans performed?

Pathetic, but instructive as this is the kind of person that supports Rasoul, Warner, and Obama (all prominently advertised on his blog).

Hmm. Interesting company.

Update: I don’t really care much about the inter-party mechanics of the Democratic Party of Virginia, but in this case, I have to bring this up. It appears that Garstang is a member of the 6th Congressional District Democratic Committee and a Member of the Democratic Party of Virginia’s State Central Committee. He is a LEADER in their party and is making these comments.

What does that say about the Democrats? Does Warner and other leading Democrats share the opinion of one of their party leaders? Will they let him stay as a member of the State Central Committee?

Should Garstang either be removed or reprimanded by the DPVA for such callous and baseless statements?

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