A Republican Woman Spoke Up … Again
“To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will.” Ronald Reagan’s warning should ring like a siren in the ears of every Republican capitulating to the delusional conspiracies of a certain septuagenarian from Florida.
Remember the Ladies
Just when I thought that, after 244 years, the guys would have finally gotten it, they proved to be just as obtuse as good ole John Adams when he laughed at his wife’s letter saying, ‘I cannot but laugh… We know better than to repeal our Masculine systems.’
Where Are the Happy People?
Is anyone involved in politics happy? Sure, there’s that euphoric feeling of winning a legislative or electoral victory. But is that feeling happiness? Angry-happy isn’t the same as joyful-happy.
America: Macbeth Act 5
“America feels like the beginning of Act 5 of Macbeth. The king is confident that no one can remove him from the throne, the kingdom is at war with itself, and, in a daze, Lady Macbeth tries to wash phantom blood from her hands.”
The Allegory of the Congress: 2020 Edition
With the Allegory of the Cave, Plato’s prescient lesson, that our perception shapes our reality, is still as true today as it was over two-thousand years old. The people in the cave are painted as the real fools because someone came to them with the truth, but they chose ignorance over reality. We think this because we have seen the world, and we know what shadows are. But what if we didn’t? What if someone took advantage of that?
What Have We Become?
The Greatest Generation isn’t known as such because they beat the Nazis and dropped the nuke; they are the greatest because of their collective effort to put the country first. We, however, have become a generation of whiney, sniveling, babies. Thank the sweet baby Jesus that this was not the generation asked to face down Hitler and Hirohito, because if it had, we’d all be speaking German or Japanese.
Trump Is the GOP’s Drug of Choice
The way that the Republican Party follows Donald Trump is like the goldfish party pledging its loyalty to the toilet; they may enjoy the ride, but it all ends up in the crapper.
There Are No Pro-Life Candidates Running for President
Saying that putting anti-abortion judges on the Supreme Court makes one Pro-Life is like saying the side salad next to your steak dinner makes you a vegan; it ignores the bigger issue. There may be reasons that voters find compelling enough to cast their vote to re-elect Donald Trump, but his record on life should not be one of them.
22 Years Ago Today My Friend Matt Shepard Died
This issue is not political but personal. It changes from one to the other the moment someone you love says two simple words, “I’m gay.”
Race Mixing and White Saviorism – I’ve Heard It All Before
We’ve been accused of sinful race mixing and white saviorism. Some may have a guess about which side of the political aisle these comments came from, but I’m here to tell you that no party has a monopoly on racism.