24 Years Ago My Friend Matt Shepard Died
This issue is not political but personal. It changes from one to the other the moment someone you love says two simple words: “I’m gay.”
I Am Pro-Life and I Am Conflicted
I am pro-life. I believe in the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death. I am an adoptive parent. I am a Christian. Yet, despite all of this, I feel conflicted about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and at first, I couldn’t understand why.
Must See TV
‘Every generation has its moment when it must come to terms with its own immediate state of affairs: the McCarthy hearings, the Warren Commission, the Watergate hearings, the Starr Report, and now the January 6th hearings. What people watch on Thursday night will tell the country a lot about itself.’
Divorce Is Not the End of the World and Other Lies My Teacher Told Me
The other day my neighbor’s kid brought home a book from her school library entitled Divorce is Not the End of the World by Zoe and Evan Stern. Can you believe it? Teaching kids that divorce is an acceptable lifestyle choice! It is no wonder that the divorce rate in this county is almost 50 percent with books like this grooming kids to think that breaking up a marriage is alright.
Rules for Black History Month
Since we, and I’m talking to my fellow white people here, haven’t really figured out how to celebrate Black History Month, I thought that I would come up with some easy rules to help us all do a little better this year. If any of these rules make you feel uncomfortable, ask yourself why. A momentary pause of self-reflection can be a very healthy thing.
The Dream Is Not Satisfied
If one is going to quote MLK’s thoughts on the “content of their character,” they should really take a look at the rest of King’s Dream. Too much of that dream has been deferred, even half a century after his death.
You May Have Heard Good Things About Him, But He Didn’t Debate Lincoln in 1858
Will VA GOP lead with wisdom? Will they turn away from performative patriotism? Will they learn the difference between Frederick Douglass and Stephen A. Douglas? Their efforts thus far resemble those of a man looking for a gas leak by the light of a candle.
Life Is Precious and Complicated
Today an ad flashed across my screen declaring, ‘Adoption cannot replace abortion.’ As an adoptive mother, my heart broke thinking of the message that this ad would send to my children.
Variant Euphoria
Observers can almost sense the giddiness of the media at the potential of a new COVID variant. Plus, Omicron sounds so much sexier than Delta.
Leave Brandon Out Of It
There are many reasons to dislike and disagree with President Joe Biden, but this sophomoric rhetoric is beneath a party that was once led by a man with such reverence for the office of the President that he is rumored to have never entered the Oval Office without a jacket.