Hanger: Gas Tax Holiday – The Devil Is In the Details
“Gas tax holiday” makes a great campaign bumper sticker, but questionable public policy. Past experiences with fuel prices have demonstrated the market sets the price and big oil companies just make more profits if we reduce the tax.
Smith: Take the High Road, Ranger
In one of the most watched races in the country, Virginia’s 7th Congressional District race heats up with negative campaigning.
Hale: Congress Needs New Leadership
The GOP primary is June 21
Lingamfelter: Rare Leaders
Where are the leaders? In the course of American history, leaders of vision have blessed our nation. That was certainly the case…
Card: … and That’s Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
We did elect a chairman and he deserves everyone’s support
Duncan: It’s Beginning to Look Like Gilead as Christian Nationalism Grows
It’s not the rule of the majority, or even of a large minority. What’s winning is the tyranny of an aggressive but small sectarian minority. And that’s not good for America or Christianity.
Lingamfelter: Short-takes
For the next two weeks, we’ll be on the road visiting our kids and grandkids in Kansas City. So, I just…
Lingamfelter: Time For a New World Order
Where is the United Nations (UN)? For the first time in recent history, certainly since 1945, a major war has…
Lingamfelter: A Time for Courage, Not Timidity
Russia is essentially an economically emaciated remnant of the former Soviet Union. But it remains a significant world power given its robust nuclear weapons arsenal. We were reminded of this when Russia’s maniacal dictator, Vladimir Putin, threatened to use them if any NATO nation intervened to oppose Russian forces after they invaded Ukraine on 24 February. What are our options now?
Lingamfelter: Truth and Justice
Like many of you, I am watching what is occurring in Ukraine and am deeply concerned. It is no secret that…