Trump Press Secretary Endorses Kamala Harris

There is a growing number of Republicans endorsing the Democratic 2024 presidential ticket and, on Tuesday night, a power hitter was added to the list.

Stephanie Grisham, former Trump White House press secretary, addressed the DNC Convention to endorse Kamala Harris:

“I wasn’t just a Trump supporter, I was a true believer, I was one of his closest advisers. The Trump family became my family. I saw him when the cameras were off … Trump mocks his supporters. He calls them basement dwellers. On a hospital visit one time when people were dying in the ICU, he was mad that the cameras were not watching him.

“He used to tell me: ‘It doesn’t matter what you say, Stephanie, say it enough and people will believe you.’

“I love my country more than my party. Kamala Harris tells the truth. She respects the American people and she has my vote.”

Ms. Grisham was the first senior staffer to resign on January 6 after an exchange between her and the former First Lady Melania Trump as violence increased at the U.S. Capitol. In her remarks she said:

“On Jan. 6, I asked Melania if we can at least tweet that ‘while peaceful protest is the right of every American, there’s no place for lawlessness or violence.’ She replied with one word … ‘no.'”


The Hill: Stephanie Grisham ‘sickened’ Melania Trump declined to tweet message discouraging violence on Jan. 6

-CNN: Grisham on Melania Trump’s hard ‘no’ in addressing violence on Jan. 6

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