New Monmouth University Poll Shows Jump in Enthusiasm for 2024 Race

A new overall poll dropped Wednesday from Monmouth University showing a huge shift in voter enthusiasm since June.

June: 46%
August: 85%

June: 34%
August: 53%

June: 71%
August: 71%

As Kamala Harris leads rallies and campaigns with her vice president pick, Tim Walz, she is picking up support among young voters and “double haters,” Monmouth reports:

Democrats’ enthusiasm has skyrocketed since they swapped their presidential nominee. The latest national Monmouth (“Mon-muth”) University Poll finds voter support for Vice President Kamala Harris slightly higher than it was for President Joe Biden, while the number who back former President Donald Trump has remained steady. Harris has higher favorability ratings than either Trump or Biden, which means there has been in a decline in the number of double haters, that is voters who dislike both nominees. Harris also has a clear advantage over Trump in being seen as having the necessary stamina for the job and matches or slightly edges her Republican opponent on understanding people’s concerns, representing American values, and bringing about change.

More numbers from Monmouth: Young voters (18-35) have increased enthusiasm for Harris: 53% as compared to 33% for Biden.

The momentum has clearly shifted to Harris. Energized supporters have eagerly jumped into Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts, signing up as volunteers as overwhelming numbers, helping local candidates, joining national elections, and gathering for Zoom rallies for Harris.

Many Democrats have noted they haven’t seen this much energy since 2008 when Barack Obama ran the first time. (I was not part of that since I was on Team McCain in 2008, even going to Minneapolis-St. Paul for the 2008 RNC Convention as a delegate. But I did see this type of enthusiasm for the 2004 George W. Bush reelection campaign, three years after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks on America.)

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