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View From the Editor’s Desk: Dwindling Days of Summer and More

The summer doldrums are real as the hot sultry days continue. It’s August and we’re more than halfway through the summer months between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Here in Augusta County, public schools return a week from today. That’s hard to believe. But the cicadas droning in the afternoon heat and the first falling yellowed tree leaves remind that fall is around the corner, putting a certain urgency in this last week before the structured days of school return.

Summer trips are winding up … pool days are dwindling. Garden vegetables are rolling in: tomatoes, peppers, squash, cukes, and more. Fall gourds will be ready within weeks. Back-to-school ads have begun showing up.

Don’t forget about Ukraine: Five months after Russia’s bloody attack on the free country of Ukraine, the 24/7 news has died away, and Facebook and Twitter are no longer plastered with “Pray for Ukraine” and blue-and-yellow memes supporting the nation that stands between Putin and Europe. Sadly, Ukrainians are still dying and their country is still under attack. World Central Kitchen is still there serving meals and sharing food, as they have been since the beginning. (Serving around the world, they are also on the ground in flooded Kentucky.) Help is still needed; prayers are still needed.

9/11 mastermind killed in Afghanistan: President Biden announced yesterday that al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed Saturday in a precision drone strike. He had been the mastermind for bin Laden’s 9/11 attack in 2001, and had taken over after bin Laden was killed in 2011.

In 1998, al-Zawahiri was a part of bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (killed 200, wounded 5,000).

In 2000 came the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen (killed 17 U.S. sailors, wounded 39).

In 2001, the infamous World Trade Center buildings were attacked by hijacked airplanes; the U.S. Pentagon was attacked with another hijacked airplane; yet another that was suspected to be on its way to either the U.S. Capitol or the White House was flown into the ground when passengers on Flight 93, aware of the other disasters, overtook terrorists piloting the plane (3000 killed, countless others injured).

The U.S. had a $25 million bounty on al-Zawahiri’s head.

Covid continues: If you haven’t already, be sure and read Bearing Drift senior contributor Andrea Epps’ post about her experience with the BA.5 variant of Covid. She spent last week extremely sick after letting her guard down, something she says was a mistake. A mild infection for vaxxed people is necessarily true: Don’t Learn This Lesson the Hard Way. [1]

Political shuffling: Redistricting has caused a shuffling of electeds in Virginia. BD content partner Chris Saxman has the latest on politicians moving between districts looking to run for office: Saxman: 2023 Va Election – Moving House Members. [2]

Inflation: BD senior contributor D.J. McGuire has economic advice: Supply-Side Reforms Are Still Available. [3]

Enjoy your week….
