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Kirk Cox Denounces Deceptive Attack Ads

Delegate Kirk Cox, Republican candidate for Governor and former House Speaker, released the following statement….

Former Virginia House of Delegates Speaker, retired teacher, and candidate for Governor Kirk Cox on Wednesday denounced a negative attack ad [1] against his opponent, Glenn Youngkin, and called on all candidates in the race for Governor to disavow attacks from shadowy PACs potentially operating in violation of Virginia law.

Within the last few days, Republicans in Virginia began to receive a mail piece attacking Glenn Youngkin. The mail piece had a Colonial Heights return address and was paid for by the Patriot Leadership Trust, which as of this morning was not registered with the Virginia Department of Elections, and is intentionally named to mirror the leadership PAC operated by Kirk as Speaker.

“This attack ad against Glenn Youngkin is intentionally deceptive, and designed to look like it’s coming from me. Let me be very clear: it is not coming from me, or anyone associated with me,” said Kirk. “This is the latest in a series of attacks launched by shadowy PACs that are potentially violating the letter and spirit of Virginia’s campaign finance laws.

“Nearly every candidate in this race has been subjected to some kind of attack from a shadowy front group set up specifically to shield the individuals responsible for the ads. Every candidate in this race should disavow these tactics. If someone wants to have a discussion about the issues themselves, that’s one thing, but hiding behind a front group is cowardly and wrong. Republican voters can safely assume the candidates who won’t disavow these tactics are the ones responsible.

“One thing I’ve tried to do in this business is always be honest with people, and it’s frustrating to me — and to Virginians — when others aren’t. We’ve witnessed what a lack of character and integrity looks like in the Governor’s mansion. It leads to scandal, poor leadership, and no accountability. I’m running to end that, and restore character and integrity to Virginia’s highest office. This manipulative behavior is beneath the governorship,” concluded Kirk. “I denounce these attacks and call on my fellow candidates to do the same.”

Patriot Leadership Trust bears a similar name to that of Colonial Leadership Trust, Kirk’s leadership PAC when he was running for the House of Delegates. All of Kirk’s political accounts are based out of Colonial Heights,  and all of his political mail features a Colonial Heights return address, the location of the PO Box on the attack ad’s return address.

Those glossy brochures dropped in my mailbox this week.

The Republican Party of Virginia convention [2] will be held Saturday, May 8 [3], in approximately 40 locations around the Commonwealth.