Bearing Drift Exclusive: Delegate Glenn Davis (R-Virginia Beach) Exploring Run For Lieutenant Governor in 2021

Bearing Drift can now confirm Delegate Glenn Davis (R-Virginia Beach) is exploring a run for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2021.

Glenn previously ran for this position in 2017, creating a great amount of goodwill across the Commonwealth in his “Mellow Yellow” RV. He is considering a full-fledged announcement of the campaign in the next couple of weeks.

Davis has served in the House of Delegates for a number of years. Prior to his service in the House, he was on the Virginia Beach City Council. His bio is listed on his campaign page here. 

Delegate Glenn Davis is a public servant, business owner, and serial entrepreneur.

Glenn began his entrepreneurial career in a one-bedroom apartment in Virginia Beach, Virginia. There, he started his first company, a telecommunications management firm which soon became a leading telecom business garnering many awards and in 2007 was named by the Inc. 5000 as one of the 100 fastest growing IT companies in America. 

Over Glenn’s 19 years of experience as an entrepreneur and business executive, he has developed a proven track record in business, and has received numerous awards including the Entrepreneurial Excellence Award from the Regent University School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship and has spoken at national conferences and business schools.

In the Virginia General Assembly, Glenn is one of Virginia’s leading advocates for economic development, regulatory and tax reform, and helping grow Virginia’s small businesses. His initiatives in these areas have earned him multiple awards and honors from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce including Freshman Legislator of the Year in 2014. His continued work regarding Virginia’s Business Climate, Workforce development, and K-12 education has also earned him the Small Business Advocate Award, Champion of Free Enterprise Award, Advancement of Innovation and Technology Award, and multiple Free Enterprise Awards.

Glenn has also become a leader in affordable healthcare and patient rights. He helped write the Medicaid expansion and reform legislation in 2014 and was a supporter of it until expansion legislation finally passed in 2018. He also fought health insurance companies for 4 years to prevent them from forcing individuals to fail on multiple less-expensive treatments before they would be allowed access to the treatment prescribed by their doctor when faced with life-threatening diseases. Lastly, Glenn was the chief co-patron of legislation stopping health insurance companies from ending much-needed services for children on the autistic spectrum when they reached 10 years of age.

Representing the 84th House of Delegates District in the Virginia General Assembly, Glenn serves on the Education, Public Saftey, and Appropriations Committees. He also has served as Vice Chairman of the Joint Commission on Technology and Science and chaired its Cyber Security and Blockchain subcommittees.

Prior to joining the House of Delegates, Glenn was twice elected to the Virginia Beach City Council, in 2008 and 2012. Glenn is a graduate of the EO/MIT Entrepreneurial Master’s program, a graduate of the University of Virginia’s Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership, a member and past president of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization of Southeast Virginia, has served as Chairman of Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads, and sits on the Board of Governors of Green Run Collegiate, a charter school connected to the Green Run community where he grew up. 

Glenn and his wife, Chelle, live in Virginia Beach and are both very active in the community and charitable efforts throughout Hampton Roads.

The only Republican candidate at this time exploring a run for Lieutenant Governor in 2021 is former Delegate Tim Hugo.

The only Democratic candidate to announce is Delegate Hala Ayala, with Delegate Elizabeth Guzman exploring a run for LG also.

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