Jim Jordan Endorses Congressman Denver Riggleman

On Saturday, Bearing Drift was able to obtain a robocall of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), founding member of the Freedom Caucus, formally endorsing Rep. Denver Riggleman in front of the 5th District Convention. Below, is the transcript of the endorsement.


Hello, this is Congressman Jim Jordan. I am calling you today to ask you to vote for my dear friend, Denver Riggleman. I’ve liked Denver since we first met and he’s been fighting in the trenches with the Freedom Caucus ever since. He has been strong on immigration and border wall funding and supports our pro-life values. I am proud to add my name next to PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP on the list of strong conservatives who support Denver.  Thank you and remember to vote for Denver Riggleman on June 13!

Audio of Jim Jordan robocall endorsing Denver Riggleman

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