Augusta County Republican Committee Hears Multiple Candidates

Tip O’Neill famously said “all politics is local.” That was certainly true Tuesday night as 134 Republicans gathered for the March 2019 Augusta County Republican Committee meeting at the Government Center. Also attending were candidates for offices as well as elected officials.

Senator Emmett Hanger (R-24th Senate District) and his wife, Sharon, were there as well as Delegate Steve Landes and Delegate Nick Freitas.

Wendell Walker, Western Vice Chairman for the Republican Party of Virginia, attended as did Craig Storrs who is the Central Vice Chair and represents Augusta County on the 6th Congressional District Committee.

State Senate 24th District….
-Sen. Emmett Hanger
-Tina Freitas

Constitutional candidates….
-Tim Martin – Commonwealth Attorney (unopposed)
-W. Jean Shrewsbury – Commissioner of the Revenue (unopposed)
-Richard T. Homes – Treasurer (unopposed)
-Neil T. Kester – Sheriff (unopposed)
-Carolyn Bragg – Clerk of Court (1 of 2)
-Steve Landes – Clerk of Court (2 of 2)

Board of Supervisors candidates….
-Scott Seaton – Wayne District (unopposed)
-G.L. “Butch” Wells – Beverley Manor District (unopposed)
-Stephen Morris – North River District (1 of 2)
-Jeffrey A. Slaven – North River District (2 of 2)
-James Kindig – South River District (1 of 2)
-Steven Morelli – South River District (2 of 2)
-Michael L. Shull – Riverheads District (unopposed)

House of Delegates 20th District candidates….
-John Avoli
-David Bourne

House of Delegates 25th District candidates….
-Chris Runion
-Marshall Pattie
-Richard Fox

Elected officials present….
-State Senator Emmett Hanger
-Del. Steve Landes
-Del. Nick Freitas
-Sheriff Donald Smith
-Commissioner of Revenue Jean Shrewsbury
-Treasurer Richard Homes
-Supervisor Gerald Garber
-Supervisor Pam Carter
-Supervisor Butch Wells
-Supervisor Mike Shull
-Supervisor Marshall Pattie

Cover photo from Rebecca Simmons

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