Firehouse Primary for 24th HOD Seat – UPDATE: Ronnie Campbell Wins

At 8:00 Saturday evening, vote tallies were still occurring for the 24th House of Delegates District Republican Firehouse Primary for the seat Ben Cline (R) is vacating after winning the 6th Congressional District seat last week.

This was Riverheads High School in southern Augusta County where Supervisors Terry Kelly, Mike Shull, and Carolyn Bragg helped with turnout and voters.

Update 8:30: A recount is underway in two polling places.

Update 9:10: Ronnie Campbell of Rockbridge County has won the Firehouse Primary. His statement:

“Honored to be the Republican Nominee for the House of Delegates District 24! I will follow in Ben Cline‘s footsteps and make our Republican Party proud.

“Thank you to my other candidates for a well fought race.

“Onwards to the General on Dec. 18!”

Update 10:30 pm: Statement from Virginia House Speaker Kirk Cox:

Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox on Saturday congratulated Ronnie Campbell for becoming the Republican nominee for the Special Election in the 24th House District. Earlier this month, Cox issued a writ of election setting December 18th, 2018 as the date for the Special Election. 

“Ronnie has spent his career serving the people of the 24th District,” said Speaker Cox. “From protecting his community while a State Trooper, to improving schools as a member of the school board, to advocating for Rockbridge County as county supervisor, his experience will serve him well as a member of the House of Delegates. I look forward to Ronnie taking his message of conservative leadership to the people of the 24th District over the next month.”

Cox added, “I also want to thank Catie Austin-Brown, Jimmy Ayers, and Jay Lewis for stepping forward to run and for the ideas they contributed to this race. Collectively, it’s time to rally around our nominee and retain the Republican majority in the House of Delegates.” 

Ronnie Campbell was born and raised in southern Augusta County. A proud graduate of Stuarts Draft High School, class of 1972, he received a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from East Tennessee State University in 1976. After graduation, Ronnie accepted a job with the VA State Police as Trooper for the counties of Arlington & Fairfax.  He spent 10 years in Northern Virginia before transferring to Rockbridge County in 1986 with his wife and three young daughters. In 1988, Ronnie graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a Master of Science in Risk Management.

Click here to learn more about Ronnie Campbell 

See also 24th HOD: Ben Cline Won. Now What?


Photos by Cole Trower

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