VPOD 19.17. Heather Cordasco with Glenn Marshall

Heather Cordasco (R) is seeking another shot at Del. Mike Mullin (D) in a regular election in the House of Delegates for the 93rd District. Cordasco was narrowly defeated last year by Mullin in a special election for the seat. She joins us on the podcast to talk about her candidacy and campaign.

But first, we were joined by Glenn Marshall of the Association for Manufacturing Excellence to discuss this Friday’s “Manufacturing Day” for Williamsburg-James City County students. This program is designed to showcase careers in manufacturing to the kids, as well as promote science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). While Cordasco was on the school board, she was a strong proponent of bringing the program to fruition.

Cordasco during the course of our interview also discussed some of her broader initiatives. She is very concerned, as are her constituents, about job creation and economic growth (which is partially why the manufacturing education program is so important), transportation, and improving education.

Specifically, Cordasco supports a state tax deduction for teachers who purchase their own school supplies and reforming the standards of learning by reducing the amount of SOLs required. She also supports the efficient and not extra-legal (not wielding eminent domain unnecessarily) widening of I-64 and improving transportation on I-64 south of the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel as that also has a significant impact also on peninsula traffic.

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