Failure to Repeal Obamacare Results in Virginia Lawsuit Against RNC, RPV, Blackwell, Dunbar, Whitbeck

Claiming that the GOP “has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats,” Virginia Beach attorney Bob Heghmann, 70, has filed a lawsuit against the Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia, National Committeeman Morton Blackwell, National Committeewoman Cynthia Dunbar, and RPV Chairman John Whitbeck.

The 24-page lawsuit (see copy here) is dated August 3.

It appears Mr. Heghmann is angry that the GOP was unable to overturn Obamacare and claims GOP representatives dangled the repeal as a means to fundraise while supposedly knowing a repeal and replace law would never be passed.

In the lawsuit it notes that “[t]his commitment to Repeal and Replace Obamacare was stated not only in campaign and fund raising literature but in the Republican Party Platform such as the one adopted at the Republican Party Convention in 2016 which clearly stated, “We agree with the four dissenting judges of the Supreme Court: “In our view, the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety.” It must be removed and replaced with an approach based on genuine competition, patient choice, excellent care, wellness, and timely access to treatment. To that end, a Republican president, on the first day in office, will use legitimate waiver authority under the law to halt its advance and then, with the unanimous support of Congressional Republicans, will sign its repeal.” 2016 Republican Party Platform at p. 36.”

Morton Blackwell responded to the lawsuit in an email to fellow Republicans:

Dear Fellow Conservative,

It seems I’m being sued.

This is a frivolous, nuisance suit that should be thrown out of court by any judge, but it’s a sign of conservative anger that the Republican-controlled Congress has not yet repealed and replaced Obamacare.

Years ago the “progressives,” still calling themselves “liberals” then, decided to take over the Democratic Party.  They gradually succeeded. Today, conservative Democrats are extinct, and moderate Democrats are a badly endangered species.

Conservatives have not yet decided to take over the Republican Party.  Too few conservatives are willing to invest their time, talent, and money and personally participate inside the Republican Party.

A Democrat majority now always means a reliable leftist majority.

A Republican majority will mean a conservative majority if and when a sufficient number of conservatives figure out why the success of their principles depends on their personal involvement in local, state, and national Republican Party committees and in party nomination contests.

Morton Blackwell

The Plaintiff, Robert A. Heghmann, is described as a “lifetime member of the Republican Party. While living in Connecticut he served as the Chairman of the Fifth Congressional District Young Republicans and also served as an appointed member of a Westport Town Commission in a Republican administration. More recently while living in New Hampshire he ran for the U.S. Senate in the New Hampshire 2014 Republican Senate Primary where he finished 5th out of 13 candidates. During the 2016 Presidential Campaign he served as co-chair of the Trump Campaign in Wolfeboro, N.H. The Plaintiff now resides in Virginia Beach, Virginia.”

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