Belote Announces Challenge to Taylor
Dave Belote, head of Virginia Beach’s Democrats, has announced his candidacy to challenge freshman Congressman Scott Taylor (R) in Virginia’s Second Congressional District.
Belote, a retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force (24 years), and who most recently suffered a political loss to state Sen. Bill DeSteph in 2015, is a consultant for offshore wind.
Taylor, elected in 2016, serves on the important House Appropriations Committee, specifically serving with the majority on the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies and Subcommittee on Homeland Security.
“David Belote is a DC lobbyist who is now running for Congress. We have only seen him lobbying for federal dollars in DC and protesting with the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party. His views are far outside the mainstream on health care and many other issues facing our district, state, and nation,” said Scott Weldon, Taylor’s Political Driector.
Weldon continued:
“Congressman Taylor is successfully working to reform and improve the Veterans Health Administration, reform our oppressive federal tax code, keep our Chesapeake Bay clean, modernize facilities at local military installations and represent everyone in the Second Congressional District.
We are happy to have a campaign based on Rep. Taylor’s many accomplishments versus the winner of the Democratic race to the left.”
Belote is expected to mainly campaign on Taylor’s vote to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, stating that the House GOP plan removes too many people from the insurance rolls and would “gut protections for people who need it.” He supports reforming Obamacare.
Both Taylor and Congresswoman Barbara Comstock appeared on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s initial list of targeted races released in January. Congressman Tom Garrett and Congressman Dave Brat made the second round in May.