2017 GOP Primary Candidates Listed, Chuck Smith Fails to Make Ballot for AG

On Friday the Republican Party of Virginia released the list of 2017 Republican Primary candidates who qualified for the June 13 ballot.

Missing from the list was Virginia Beach attorney Chuck Smith who was vying to run for attorney general.

From the RPV press release:

Earlier today, RPV Chairman John Whitbeck sent a letter to the Virginia State Board of Elections certifying the following candidates met the legal requirements to appear on the June 13 Republican Primary Ballot.

They are (listed in order of office and pre-check qualification):

* Ed Gillespie  
* Corey Stewart 
* Frank Wagner

Lt. Governor 
* Bryce Reeves 
* Glen Davis 
* Jill Vogel

Attorney General 
* John Adams

RPV Chairman John Whitbeck issued the following statement:

“This year’s group of Republican candidates is truly extraordinary. From top to bottom, our contenders have the breadth of experience, grassroots support, and commitment to our shared common-sense conservative values to not only win in November, but make our Commonwealth a better place for all Virginians.

“I look forward to working with all 7 of these candidates as we take back the Executive Branch for the GOP!”

In November, Delegate Rob Bell withdrew from the race for AG, citing family obligations.

That leaves John Adams, 43, of Chesterfield, as the sole Republican candidate for Attorney General in the November election.

John and Lisa Adams. Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell.
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