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Gillespie is Wheels Up, Sort Of

Ed Gillespie has been running for governor for awhile. So much so that a Bearing Drift podcas [1]t was cited in PolitiFact [2] about his support of Donald Trump. (by the way – shows you how much I know about politics; in my initial write-up of the podcast I didn’t even gloss over his support of Trump!)

Despite my failure to pick up on the actual newsworthiness of the podcast, and my thoughts this announcement might actually be his purported declaration of his candidacy, he still didn’t quite make it official [3].

“We are excited to begin ramping up our efforts and look forward to formally kicking off our campaign less than two months from now.”

I have heard of the long “goodbye” before, but this long “hello” is ridiculous.

Regardless, Gillespie unveiled new logos, website…and, what caught my attention…a new communications director.

Matt Moran doesn’t want to be the focus of this blog post, but the dude is a rock star. Working for years as Speaker William Howell’s press agent, Moran does a superb job at humoring the inane (often me) and bending over backwards for the sincere.

If anything about this roll-out was a surprise, it’s that Moran left the Speaker’s office and is now on the team. And a good hire it is.

That said, Corey Stewart isn’t going down without being part of the conversation. Today he released: “The Anointed One.”

Stewart’s campaign in a fundraising email labeled Gillespie as “the golden boy” and “establishment” and “handpicked.”


I’ve interviewed both. (Corey Stewart podcast [4])

Both Gillespie and Stewart are sane. And so are Rob Wittman and Frank Wagner.

Let’s do this above the belt. Please?

I’m not holding my breath.

But it should be interesting.