Three’s a party: Glenn Davis announces run for Lieutenant Governor

Virginia Beach Delegate Glenn Davis
announced Thursday that he will run for Lieutenant Governor in 2017. From the press release of his announcement:

“I’m running because too many Virginians are unemployed, under employed or stuck in part time jobs desperate for full time work.

It’s time for a Virginia Turnaround so we can start creating jobs and growing our economy once again.   As a businessman, I know firsthand what it takes to start a business and expand an existing one.  Virginia used to be the best state in the nation for business; however, we have been sliding backwards.   It’s time to get Virginia moving again, and as a job creator I know first-hand what it takes to get the job done.”
An entrepreneur, Glenn Davis literally started his first company out of his one-bedroom apartment, growing it in 2007 into one of the 100 fastest growing IT companies in America, as recognized by Inc. Magazine.  In the House of Delegates, he has continued to champion pro-business and job creation policies, earning the Virginia Chamber of Commerce Freshman Legislator of the Year award in 2014.
Virginia needs Glenn Davis .  The Commonwealth’s economic growth has been anemic, from 0.4% in 2013 to 0.0% in 2014, tumbling from the best state in the nation for business to number 12, and falling to the 37th worst state in the nation in categories related to competitive tax policies.
“Virginia needs an environment that encourages business growth and investment across our Commonwealth.  I know what it takes to do that, and I have a record of doing so.  As a City Councilman, I helped lead the way to eliminate the Machinery and Tools Tax, and it encouraged businesses to move to Virginia, not just from other states, but from overseas as well, creating new, high paying jobs.  It also encouraged existing businesses to expand significantly, putting even more people to work.  And we did it while maintaining the lowest tax rates of any city in Hampton Roads.
“I’ve led in Richmond, patroning bills to eliminate property taxes on home-based entrepreneurs, stop localities from mandating job-killing policies on businesses, and ensure Virginia entrepreneurs access to the newest crowd-funding opportunities, allowing them to grow their companies and create jobs.  In my first year, two of my bills were included in the ’22 Most Important Bills for Virginia Businesses’ by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.
My career as an entrepreneur and as a businessman has been about creating jobs.  That will be my number one priority as your Lt. Governor.”
“These are the types of policies that are the key to expanding job opportunities for families across Virginia and regaining our number one status as the best state for business and job growth.  As an entrepreneur, Councilman and Delegate, I have a proven record of championing conservative, job creating economic policies that will make Virginia Number One for jobs and economic growth again.”
Del. Glenn Davis represents the 84th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.  He represents part of the city of Virginia Beach, where he lives with his wife, Chelle.  Previously, Davis served on Virginia Beach City Council and has served on numerous boards and commissions.  Davis is a business owner and entrepreneur.

Delegate Davis has an interesting bio for a LG candidate. He started his own business, formerly served on Virginia Beach City Council, and has continually been active in his community. Delegate Davis currently holds high legislative scores from the Virginia Association of Realtors (100%), Virginia Chamber of Commerce (98%), Virginia Free (87%), and the National Federation of Independent Businesses (90%). He received the NRA, Virginia Association of Realtors, and Virginia Farm Bureau endorsement in his last re-election. Delegate Davis currently serves on the Education and Transportation committees in the House of Delegates, where he submitted a large number of bills for consideration this session. He also is the Subcommittee Chair on Joint Commission on Technology and Science.

This announcement comes after State Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel  and State Senator Bryce Reeves announced their candidacies this week. Former RPV Finance Chairman Pete Snyder is considering another run for LG. Danny Vargas is considering a run for Lieutenant Governor. Delegate Scott Taylor was running, but has since put his race on hold to run for Congress. Also, it is speculated that failed US Senate candidate Shak Hill or failed LG candidate EW Jackson may run also.

Delegate Davis endorsed John Kasich for President this year, serving as his Virginia Co-Chairman. Delegate Davis stated in a Kasich Press Release:

“The first step to America’s next economic boom is getting Washington’s books balanced, and the last person to balance them was John Kasich.  As the House Budget Committee Chairman and as Governor, John Kasich knows the economic powerhouse we can become if we unleash ourselves from the shackles of debt.”

Now that we have three candidates in the race for Lieutenant Governor, one has to wonder if we are ready for a repeat of 2013. Multiple candidates, multiple ballots, and so many delegate calls. Stay tuned to Bearing Drift for more coverage of the 2017 statewide campaigns.


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