Roscoe Reynolds Insults Southside

Roscoe Reynolds, the Democratic candidate for the 20th Virginia Senate district has insulted his own constituents.

In a recent mailer sent out to residents of the 20th district, Reynolds suggests that his Republican opponent Bill Stanley has “abandoned” his constituents by moving into the 20th district. When one is done wading through the sludge of dishonesty that this mailer consists of, a healthy look at the facts will clear things up.

First, Stanley has only moved a short distance from his old residence. He is still living in the same area that he has always lived, as a matter of fact, he has not even changed counties, as he still resides in Franklin County. His family originally moved to Franklin County in 1988 and has  had a residence there since. He and his mother actually opened a law firm in Franklin County over ten years ago.

Second, Stanley did not “abandon” his constituents. Around 40% of his old district is now a part of the 20th. Far from abandoning his constituents, Stanley is actually taking the necessary steps to continue to represent as much of the area as he can.  It is important to remember that this whole issue was created by a redistricting map that Roscoe Reynolds most likely helped create.

Roscoe Reynolds should be ashamed of himself for insulting the intelligence of Southside. He honestly seems to believe that the people of this region will simply fall for his insinuation that Stanley is not from the area, when the facts are clearly the opposite.

Perhaps he is doing this to distract voters from the fact that he has voted for increased regulations on businesses, even as the Southside is struggling to attain jobs, or the fact that he voted for the largest tax increase in Virginia’s history in addition to casting his vote in support of raising sales, hotel, and restaurant taxes.

Roscoe Reynolds should know that the Southside is smart enough to figure out that Franklin County is not a world away, and that voting for a tax hiking liberal is not a good idea when you are trying to escape a recession.

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