Poll: If the GOP 2012 U.S. Senate nomination were held today…

It’s been an interesting two weeks for speculation about the 2012 U.S. Senate nomination, between the RPV State Central vote for a primary over a convention, all the way down to precisely who will (or will not) run for the nod against current Democratic Senator Jim Webb.

And so, without further ado… we give you this completely unscientific poll:

Do you support the proposed constitution amendment to provide a partial tax exemption for real property that has made improvements for flooding?

  • YES (32%, 20 Votes)
  • NO (68%, 43 Votes)

Total Voters: 63

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Of course, online polls are worthless.  But they do sometimes show you the interest and willingness of certain people to promote one candidate over the other.  Think of it as an online enthusiasm poll…

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